
I was born in Lisbon, Portugal, in January 1994. My father is a 2D/3D animator and my mother a psychologist. Thanks to them, had a versatile education, for which I am extremely grateful.

From an early age, I was drawn to reading, writing, and drawing. I was a shy, yet active child. Aged 8, I would write pseudo-theatre plays to perform alongside family members on Summer holidays. I started playing the flute when I was 9, and created my first blog at age 12.

When facing the need of choosing a specialisation, I had a really hard time balancing whether I should focus on Arts or Humanities. How could I possibly write and not draw? How could I focus on painting, for instance, if that meant giving up on literature, philosophy and political science?

I ended up studying Artistic Production in high school and Communications at uni. To this day, I seek to communicate thoughts and ideas – mine or the clients’ – using my favourite tools: words and images.