Showing 7 Result(s)

Content Management and UX Writing for Tangível/Santander

I joined Tangível in February 2022 and have worked as an external consultant for Santander Portugal since. I’m part of the Engagement Squad, within the Digital Marketing department. We’re a small team in a big, big firm.

A considerable part of the job consists on managing and editing content on a CMS. In this case, Adobe’s (AEM). Nevertheless, I’ve been able to deepen my knowledge in UX Writing, too.

My very first badge for a Figma conference

The first project I was assigned to at Santander was the implementation of a new Help & Support section on the Portuguese website. There were already prototypes in place, so we had to apply most of that UI; and adapt the UX to the national context by restructuring flows, requesting information to the local customer service areas, and making sure we were working towards building a strong MVP — one that could meet the real needs of users right from day one.

I was responsible for:

  • gathering, translating and localising information
  • implementing UX writing and plain language principles
  • the information architecture and content hierarchy
  • project management.

Lately, I have also been writing content for Salto, the bank’s blog (in Portuguese):

Content Writing for TEAM LEWIS

As a Content Executive at TEAM LEWIS, I translated and wrote copy for both the agency and clients across several channels.

I had the chance to work for companies from various sectors, such as Schneider Electric, Canon, Mifarma, Sophos, CI&T, Luís Simões and Talentia, among others.

Blog Posts (in Portuguese):

Reality Check Open Call

From May to December 2020, I collaborated with the first edition of the Reality Check: Life After Retirement Open Call. I was responsible for the project’s social media profiles, from strategic planning to copywriting and community management.

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Já andamos pelas ruas da cidade de Lisboa com risografias fresquinhas! Se encontrares um dos nossos cartazes, fotografa-o e identifica – vamos documentar esta aventura juntos! E não te esqueças: tens até dia 21 de julho para submeter a candidatura! _ Our freshly printed risograph posters are all over Lisbon now! If you find one, post a picture and tag – let’s document this journey together! And don’t forget: the deadline for applying is July 21! _ ?: @joannacorreia_ _ #opencall #contemporaryart #artecontemporânea #emergingartists #jovensartistas #artcontest #retirement #lifeafterretirement #reforma #concursojovensartistas #contestapplication #candidaturas #opencalldeadline #posters #graphicdesign #risography #riso #gobusiness #lisbon #portugal

Uma publicação partilhada por Reality Check Open Call ( a

I have also translated some content (such as the artists’ bios) and written 2 press releases to present the project to the Portuguese press.

City Cortex

In 2019, while working at experimentadesign, I wrote copy for the City Cortex website alongside the organization’s Head of Communications. City Cortex is an ongoing international programme that has invited acclaimed designers and architects to create original urban pieces using a specific raw-material: Portuguese cork.

I also created copy for experimentadesign’s City Cortex-related social media posts, and wrote, translated and reviewed all newsletters.

Primeira Pedra/First Stone

As part of the experimentadesign communications team, I created content for the First Stone project throughout 2019 and early 2020. This involved copywriting for the project’s website, social media posts, newsletters, exhibition invitations and booklets; and one illustration work.

Articles for the website:

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O edifício onde actualmente funciona o Centro Interpretativo do Tapete de Arraiolos (CITA) foi, durante séculos, um hospital. Em 2011, o atelier @cvdbarquitectos abraçou um processo de reconstrução e adaptação do local à função de museu em que a grande estrela foi o mármore português Pele de Tigre. Descubra mais no link da bio! ? _ The Centro Interpretativo do Tapete de Arraiolos (Arraiolos Tapestry Interpretation Centre) is located within a historical site that used to function as a hospital. In 2011, @cvdbarquitectos started a reconstruction process in order to prepare it for its new use as a museum, choosing the Portuguese Pele de Tigre marble as one of its highlights. For more information, click the link in bio! ? _ ?: Fernando Guerra | FG + SG _ #architecture #contemporaryarchitecture #stone #portuguesestone #marble #mármore #cvdb #stonesinuse #cita #arraiolos #portugal #primeirapedra #firststone

Uma publicação partilhada por experimentadesign (@experimentadesign) a

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A experimentadesign e a @assimagra_pmr estiveram esta terça-feira em Nova Iorque para a revelação de uma nova peça de Álvaro Siza, produzida no âmbito do programa #PrimeiraPedra. Hell’s Kitchen Bench, um banco feito de mármore e madeira, pertence agora ao átrio da mais recente torre de habitação da cidade, também projectada pelo Arquitecto. Mais informações no link da bio ? @experimentadesign Fornecimento de pedra e produção: Fatima Stones _ experimentadesign and @assimagra_pmr were in New York for the unveiling of a new Álvaro Siza piece, produced within the scope of the #FirstStone programme. Named Hell’s Kitchen Bench, it is a large piece, made of Portuguese stone and African wood. The bench will stay in the lobby of New York’s latest skyscraper, designed by the same architect. For more information, click the link in bio ? @experimentadesign Stone supply and production: Fatima Stones _ ?: Slideshow _ #arquitectura #architecture #contemporaryarchitecture #design #contemporarydesign #stone #pedra #portuguesestone #pedraportuguesa #marble #fatimastones #wood #álvarosiza #siza #newyork #ny #nyc #primeirapedra #firststone #experimentadesign #assimagra

Uma publicação partilhada por experimentadesign (@experimentadesign) a

Articles & Branded Content for Time Out Lisbon

In 2017, while studying for my MSc, I joined Time Out Lisbon as a journalism intern. I had the opportunity of writing articles for the website and paper magazine, focussing mostly on arts & culture, things to do in the city, and activities for kids.

After the internship, I kept collaborating with Time Out on the Lisbon for Visitors project, and later as a freelance branded content writer — which challenged me to adopt a more commercial approach to writing.